Our motto speaks alone. This is the new home of quality high energy electronic music.

Founded in 2022, with its HQ in Italy, Standing Records is a young and motivated reality made of talented DJs and producers willing to spread their music worldwide.

Put on a pair of headphones, close your eyes and jump to the rhythm of our tunes, 'til the party shuts down: NEVER!


Yes, we're a group of artists grown with italodance sound, and we want to keep it alive with our releases.

We also have a great passion for hands up, hard dance and trance music.



Our tracks, EPs, LPs and compilations are available everywhere in the main music web markets.

You can find us on Spotify, Apple Music, Deezer, Amazon, YouTube Music, TikTok, Instagram, BeatPort and many others...


If you think your track fits our label, do not hesitate to make us hear it.
We're always looking for italodance, hands up, hard dance and trance producers.

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